Rent in Lumo homes

You can view the status of your rent payment via the My Lumo service at By signing in, you can see the status of your rent payment and print out an itemised breakdown of your rent payments as well as your payment history. Please note that there is a delay of a few working days from the date of payment before your paid balance is updated in My Lumo service. You can always contact our customer service if you have any questions regarding rent payment.

Payment of rent

Good tenant etiquette includes paying your rent on time and notifying about any payment difficulties. In the process of making your tenancy agreement, an itemised breakdown of rent payments for the whole year was provided to you. Always use the breakdown reference number while paying to ensure that your payment information is allocated to the correct payment. You will receive new rent payment breakdowns annually in connection with the rent adjustment.

The due date for rent payment shall be the second day of each month. Late-payment interest shall be charged in accordance with the Interest Act.

Our customer service will help you with all matters related to rent payment!

Late payment of rent

Every now and then, situations may arise in which not all invoices and payments can be processed on time. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to change the due date of the rent.

If you pay your rent for the current month during the same calendar month, you do not need to report the delay separately. However, please note that this period will be subject to late-payment interest in accordance with the tenancy agreement and that you will receive a payment notice approximately three weeks after the due date, including a notice fee of five euros.

The late-payment interest accrues from the due date to the day of the payment. You can find the Late Interest Calculator on My Lumo service Payment late? -page

The exact amount to be paid, including interest and expenses, can be found on the day of payment on the My Lumo service.

If you pay in several instalments, use the same reference number for each payment. You can find your open balance on the Rent Payment page on My Lumo service.

If your payment difficulties persist, please contact our customer service immediately to set up a payment schedule.

More useful information on how to deal with indebtedness can be found on the web, for instance, on the website (in Finnish).

Housing allowance

Housing allowance can be applied for from the Social Insurance Institution or their online service. There is a calculator on the Kela website, which you can use to help determine whether you are eligible for housing allowance (in Finnish). In order to apply for housing allowance, you need only send a housing allowance application to Kela. We use electronic data transmission with Kela, so all necessary information regarding the tenancy relationship is transferred to Kela electronically. In general, Kela pays the housing allowance directly to the lessor's account.

Electronic invoice

There are e-invoicing services available to Lumo and VVO residents. E-invoicing means that it is possible to receive the monthly electronic rent invoice directly in your online bank.

To make an e-invoice agreement, you need a reference number and an e-invoice ID, which can be found in the rent payment breakdown.

Rent determination

For Lumo apartments, rents are determined on the basis of market prices, whereas rents for VVO apartments are based on cost renting.

Rents cover the maintenance and capital costs of the properties. Maintenance costs include, e.g. expenses from apartment heating and water consumption, property maintenance and fault repairs. Capital costs consist of repayments and interests on loans for housing construction.

We anticipate rent developments with long-term experience, and have not had to make significant annual increases. The annual rent adjustment is always based on the terms of the tenancy agreement and takes into account property-specific maintenance costs, the differences between apartments and the regional rent level.

The rent level of an individual apartment is influenced by, e.g. the size, condition and floor of the apartment, as well as included equipment. As a result, the amount of rent may also vary between apartments located in the same building.

Housing advisory service

The housing advisory service provides assistance and advice to residents in relation to challenging life situations.

The main goal for the concept of housing advice is to help customers find solutions to housing-related issues. Ideally, the advisory service can reduce tenant turnover, prevent disturbances at apartment buildings and provide solutions to challenges related to rent payment.

You can contact the housing advisory service through our customer service on My Lumo service, chat or by phone tel. +358 20 508 5000.